Sunday, July 18, 2010

A small intro of me

Hello All,
My Name is Stephen Adams,
I was born in Raised in London (England)and at the age of 12 I joined the Sea Cadet corps.
I was on the Ship H.M.S. Belfast Moored on the River Thames in London.
We did a tour of the ship when we got to the wireless bridge on the ship I remember this guy talking on the radio (later found out he was a ham) I forget his call this was back in late 1976.
I was really impressed with this, later I learned radio communication and did learn Morse at 13.
The years went by and at 18 I Brought my 1st CB as then they had just became legal in the UK.I was not happy with this and sorry to say I did buy a SSB CB that are Illegal in the UK.
I was closed down by those very nice men from the home office and so from 1983 until 1988 when I got the bug for radio again wanted to do it legal so I went night classes and took the Radio Amateur Exam (RAE) and passed and was later in 1989 issued with what was then a B Class license of G7FOL.
I carried on with this Call sign until December 1990 when I took and passed my 12WPM Morse test then I was issued with a full A Class in January 1991 as G0OMM.
Later in 1992 I was heavily into Packet Radio and ran a BBS call GB7OMM.
Then in 2000 I moved to where I am now and with moving and setting up home the hobby took to the back seat until late last year When I was talking to a guy at work that wanted to became a ham and that got me wanting to get back in and so I took the exam on October 19th and passed and have just been issued with my call of KJ4PXH.
I was surprised how rusty I have become.
I Took and passed my General Class
on 11/07/09

73 De Steve KJ4PXH


  1. Great history, Steve, welcome back. G3TEX F8VNZ

  2. Thanks Philip,
    Just trying to get a blog going.
    73 de Steve
